British Council Learning English

Hi FAU Bloggers,

Today you have to do a couple of different activities. 

Part 1

First you need to go to:

Please read the information about English conditionals and do the exercises.

Part 2

Once you've done Part 1, please write a blog post reviewing the British Council Learning English website.


2 or 3 things you liked, and why

1 or 2 things you didn't like, and why

Would you recommend this website to other English learners? Why/Why not?

Do you think you will you visit this website again? Why/Why not?

What score would you give it out of 10?

Sum up your experience in one sentence.


Alexander said…
it's a very interesting site
Thanks for the recommendation
Gabriels Blog said…
Very good website, is interesting!
MorenoA said…
The best of the site, it is FREE
myfauSZ said…
it's good material for practice

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