
Bye-Bye Bloggers

Hi FAU Bloggers. Today it's time to write the final post, which is to evaluate your blog experience this semester.  So, I've been really lucky this semester because I had great students in both my level 3 classes. I liked the way that you were all willing to collaborate and make the most of the time in class to focus on practicing and perfecting your English. That made my job much easier. I also enjoyed the classroom atmosphere, especially when you joked or teased each other in English. Humour is always a good tool for learning:) It was also nice to read about your experiences, interests or opinions.  I think the post I most enjoyed writing was A Beautiful Place in Chile, I wrote about a trip to Punta Arenas that I made last summer. Anyway, I love writing so, I enjoyed all the posts. I guess the British Council website post was short and impersonal, so that was most probably the most boring to write. I enjoyed reading all your blogs for different reasons, and I hope you found i

A Place to Eat

Hi FAU Bloggers: One of my favourite places to eat in Santiago is Ram Salaam, an Indian restaurant in Santa Isabel between Condell and Italia. It's 100% authentic and is extremely cheap for the quality. I like it because although the recipes are quite basic, they are wonderfully tasty. Another thing I like about Ram Salaam is the fact that it has many vegan options. I eat there at least once a month. I usually go with my wife but we often go with friends and always take visiting family there. Some people find it a little "grubby" but I love it. My favourite dishes are the lentil and mushroom dishes but they also offer other tasty options. The family who run the restaurant are from Northern Indian. They have 2 young children both of whom have been born since we have been regulars at the restaurant. The young children used to help in the restaurant but they went back to Indian with their mother last February. The father plans to stay here on his own for 2 or 3 years.  Mainl

London Webquest

Hi FAU Bloggers, Today you are going on a journey to London! In this activity, you have to organise a study trip to London. First go to Material Docente (Ucursos) and download the 2 documents with the instructions. You will need to visit some websites and decide which activities to do on which days. Then you need to fill in a Weekly Schedule and add the finished document to Material Alumnos.  Next, you need to write a short post to say which of the activities in London you would enjoy most and why. Try to write at least 50 words.

British Council Learning English

Hi FAU Bloggers, Today you have to do a couple of different activities.  Part 1 First you need to go to: Please read the information about English conditionals and do the exercises. Part 2 Once you've done Part 1, please write a blog post reviewing the British Council Learning English website. Mention:  2 or 3 things you liked, and why 1 or 2 things you didn't like, and why Would you recommend this website to other English learners? Why/Why not? Do you think you will you visit this website again? Why/Why not? What score would you give it out of 10? Sum up your experience in one sentence.

Last Weekend

  Hi FAU Bloggers! Today I'd like you to write about something you did last weekend. I actually went to the beach last weekend, to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday. Her birthday was actually last week but we didn't like the idea of going to the beach for the May 21st holiday because no doubt it would be busy. As a birthday present, I invited my wife and her mum to Las Cruces, a beach they both love. We left on Saturday morning at midday and reached our destination at about 2pm. We went to collect the keys from the apartment and then we went to have lunch. We met up with Claudio, a friend of ours who lives in Algarrobo and we ate in a beachside restaurant in Las Cruces called Bellavista. It is a little bit expensive but the food is very good and my mother-in-law really likes it.  After lunch we said goodbye to Claudio and we went to the apartment. My mother-in-law, who is 85-years old, watched the sea from the balcony (and then the TV) while my wife and went for a short

A Concert, Show or Exhibition

Hi FAU Bloggers, Today I'm going to write about a concert I really enjoyed. So, as you may know, I love music:) I've been lucky enough to see hundreds of artists play live and going to see live music is something I've been doing for a long, long time. The last known bands I saw live in Chile were all in 2019, just before I went to live in China. I went to 3 concerts in a short space of time and saw Gorillaz, De La Soul & The Arcade Fire. I'd seen Arcade Fire before at Lollapalooza and I'd seen Gorillaz mainmain Damian Albarn in Caupolican but Gorillaz and De La Soul were firsts. I'm going to talk about De La Soul today. I first heard De La Soul in 1989 when they released their first album, 3 feet high and rising . This is a really important album in hip-hop. It's a concept album about the lives of the 3 group members. They formed part of a movement called The Daisy Age (Daisy meaning " da inner sound, y’all" along with other groups like A Tribe

A Beautiful Place in Chile

Hi Fau Bloggers, Today I'm going to write about a beautiful place I have visited in Chile. Actually, it's very difficult for me to choose only one beautiful place because I have had the chance to visit many beautiful places in Chile (I've lived her for about 23 years). To make life easy for myself, I'll tell you about the last beautiful place I visited in Chile which was the Torres del Paine National Park. I went there in March with my wife and a sister who was visiting from the UK. My wife and I had always talked about visiting the park to do some trekking, but we had never managed to make time to go. My sister's visit was a good reason to do something different so we went to Punta Arenas for 5 days. Punta Arenas was a good base for us to do the different activities on offer. One over to Tierra del Fuego and visited a colony of King Penguins. Another day we did a 10-kilometre walk in the little national park to the north of Punta Arenas. We also visited the Fish Ma