A Beautiful Place in Chile

Hi Fau Bloggers,

Today I'm going to write about a beautiful place I have visited in Chile. Actually, it's very difficult for me to choose only one beautiful place because I have had the chance to visit many beautiful places in Chile (I've lived her for about 23 years). To make life easy for myself, I'll tell you about the last beautiful place I visited in Chile which was the Torres del Paine National Park. I went there in March with my wife and a sister who was visiting from the UK. My wife and I had always talked about visiting the park to do some trekking, but we had never managed to make time to go. My sister's visit was a good reason to do something different so we went to Punta Arenas for 5 days. Punta Arenas was a good base for us to do the different activities on offer. One over to Tierra del Fuego and visited a colony of King Penguins. Another day we did a 10-kilometre walk in the little national park to the north of Punta Arenas. We also visited the Fish Market, the promenade, and explored the city. However, for me, the highlight was a one-day trip to the Torres del Paine National Park. 

It wasn't how I had imagined visiting the park would be as there was no real trekking involved, just a couple of short walks. The rest of the time was spent in the van travelling. Nevertheless, it was an amazing trip. We were really lucky with the weather and saw some amazing landscapes. 

We left Punta Arenas at 7am and drove to the Miler-don Cave via Puerto Natales. After visiting the cave, which was quite spectacular, we drove into, and then around, the park. We stopped in different places to see different views and perspectives of the mountain range or to look at lakes, rivers and Glacier Grey. Even the 3 or 4-hour drive getting there (and the same going back) was interesting, because the landscape or the sky and clouds were always so interesting.

Write about a beautiful place you have visited in Chile.


Where it is,

When you went there,

Who you went with,

What you did there,

What makes it beautiful,

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Leave a comment on your Teacher's blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

ps. If you finish early, please read this: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/apr/24/getting-your-time-back-comic


Unfortunalety I´ve never been able to visit that place, but by photos it looks beautiful
Alejandra said…
What a beautiful place I would like to visit soon!
Benja Q said…
What a place!! i have it pending
Javi Marchant said…
i want to go to that place
Alexander said…
It's a beautifull place :O

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